Herbal Teas and Fasting for Gut Health

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated July 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

Some of the most foundational health problems are gut health issues. The gastrointestinal system has some of the strongest connections to the bloodstream, is closely tied to the immune system, provides the raw inputs for energy metabolism, is a huge production center of neurotransmitters for the brain and nervous system, and in general is one of the largest sources of inflammation in the body because of the microbiome and from the rigors of digestion itself.

What this means is that if the gut is in a state of dis-ease, then it’s likely that not only will gut health problems exist but also other maladies such as chronic inflammation and pain, weakened immunity or auto-immune issues, poor energy metabolism, skin problems, or mental health issues. Returning the digestive system to a state of normal function is often the root-cause fix that will resolve those other health issues. It’s very common for people who have healed their gut to report that their depression/anxiety/insomnia or other mental health issues go away, for their skin inflammatory conditions such as acne, psoriasis, or eczema to vanish, or for chronic pain and fatigue to disappear.

The digestive system is a complex web of interactions between many different organs and also trillions of microorganism that live inside it known as the microbiome. When it comes to healing the gut, the digestive system is too complex to be successfully healed by examining it through a narrow window and then treating one or two identified symptoms. Instead the best methods for improving the entire functioning of the gut are holistic in nature. In my experience of 10+ years of gut healing and gut health mindfulness I’ve found that the most powerful all-encompassing holistic tools that can be used to heal the gut are fasting (abstaining from food) and drinking herbal teas.

Fasting removes all caloric inputs, volume, and bulk from the digestive system, allowing the epithelial cells and mucous layers that make up the lining of the digestive system to regenerate while also giving the immune system time to reset and restore to normal protective functioning. Herbal teas (with the right herbs of course) are packed full of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals which give them anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and adaptogenic properties which beneficially amplify the fasting process.

In this article you will learn about:

  • How fasting is beneficial for gut health

  • How herbal teas benefit gut health

  • How fasting and herbal teas can be used in conjunction to heal gut health and microbiome problems.

Ready to Heal Your Gut?
Holistic Gut Health Guide eBook
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Together the digestive system and microbiome are the foundation of health from which everything else is dependent on.

The Holistic Gut Health Guide contains all the information you need to identify and understand the gastrointestinal and microbiome problems you may have while also providing you the most effective natural methods you can use to heal your gut. No gut health problems are unsolvable, give yourself every possible advantage along your gut health journey by reading an implementing the advice shared in the Holistic Gut Health Guide.


Some of the information in the Holistic Gut Health Guide isn’t common knowledge but when implemented it is highly effective in healing the gut and shifting the microbiome towards symbiosis. Give yourself every possible advantage along your gut health journey by reading an implementing the advice shared in the Holistic Gut Health Guide.

Fasting and Gut Health

Life is driven by metabolism, and there are two default mode networks for metabolism. One is anabolism, the growth and creation of new tissues, which naturally is an inflammatory process. The other is catabolism, the anti-inflammatory process that repairs and recycles old and worn out bodily tissues. To be optimally healthy time spent in both anabolism and catabolism is required, generally in equal amount (unless already out of balance).

Modern culture has most people spending an excess of time in an anabolic state, the main symptoms of which are being overweight or obese and having generalized inflammation throughout the body. If anabolic pathways are seriously out of balance then life-threatening conditions like cancer (the out of control growth of mutated cells) is often the result.

Fasting and Inflammation

The reason fasting is so powerful in healing gut health problems, and in general many many inflammation based health problems is because it activates the other default mode network for human which is catabolism, otherwise known as autophagy. Food intake is one of the greatest drivers of anabolism, and removing all food from the equation turns off the “energy spigot”. The brain and body still require energy for cognition and movement though, so a beautifully complex sequence of events takes place if the energy spigot turns off which has the body switch to a protective healing state known as autophagy. During autophagy malfunctioning cells are terminated through a process known as apoptosis, and their still functional components are recycled and distributed to where they are needed. Cells that can be repaired are patched up, and the body begins to burn stored bodyfat for energy. After a couple days of fasting once all glycogen stores are used up the body begins producing ketones from bodyfat so the brain can continue to operate successfully.

Fasting is a cellular deep cleaning that sees the different systems of the body repair and be recharged with the vital nutrients that they need to function properly. Inflammation goes down dramatically. Once food is reintroduced, the body switches back to catabolism and the healthy cells remaining divide to restore tissues and organs back to their normal sizes. For example during a seven day fast the size of the liver can contract by as much as 50% and then with the reintroduction of food it will regenerate back to its normal size and function, but now it’s composed of a much greater number of healthy functioning cells.

There are many ways to trigger catabolism, but the most powerful way is to simply fast and abstain from eating any food. The longer the body requires catabolic processes to heal to return to balance, the more time must be spent catabolic, and if using fasting for this purpose, longer fasts and/or more frequent fasts will be needed. The great thing about fasting is that it is completely free, can be done anywhere and doesn’t require any specialized devices or drugs, and is a relatively safe natural process that the body wants you to do from time to time.

Fasting and Gut Microbiome

Fasting has a powerful ability to heal the gut because of how it actives system-wide autophagy, and the other way it powerfully improves gut health is through the evolutionary pressures it places on the microbiome. The microbiome is made up of trillions of microorganisms that live “inside” the body but in reality outside the tissues of the body. The microbiome feeds off the food constantly being consumed, and a helpful microbiome will work symbiotically with the host to break down nutrients normally not digestible like plant fibers. A pathogenic microbiome, one that doesn’t work with and serve its host, will feed off the nutrients normally reserved for the host like sugar and starches, growing their populations while also producing waste components in the process. Pathogens dream of entering into the body at large where ample nutrients float through the bloodstream, and if the gut is compromised then this task is made easy and they slip past epithelial tight junctions. Once pathogens are in the bloodstream the responsibilities of the immune system ramp up dramatically which creates chronic inflammation if pathogens are constantly slipping into the bloodstream from the gut.

By removing all food, fasting applies an evolutionary pressure to the microbiome that selects for microorganisms that can survive during times of nutrient scarcity. Microorganisms that are comfortable chewing and subsisting on long-transiting foods like fiber will survive in greater numbers than microorganisms that feed off quick nutrients like sugar that are quickly in short supply during a fast. Fasting is a great way to cleanse the microbiome.

The microbiome of the gut is one of the main sources of neurotransmitters in the body, and a 48 hour fast for example will not only heal the digestive system and reduce bodily inflammation but by changing the composition of the microbiome it will change neurotransmitter ratios and their production for better cognitive function and mental health. Neurotransmitters are how the microbiome influences behavior.

For the reasons laid out above one can already see how fasting is a tremendously powerful way to improve gut health and overall health and wellness. Combining fasting with herbal teas amplifies the healing and regenerative processes while also making a fast easier and safer to complete.

*Read to the end to receive a 10% discount on the Holistic Gut Health Guide, the all-in-one gut health eBook that will help you solve your gut health problems once and for all!


Fasting and Herbal Tea

The biggest issue with fasting is the fact that new energy input is removed from the system which requires a metabolic shift. It’s the metabolic shift to burning body fat for energy that is one of the primary benefits of fasting, but if that mode of metabolism hasn’t been used often or recently, then it can be difficult to maintain adequate energy levels during a fast. Practice makes perfect, and the more time is spent fasted in general, the easier fasting becomes, but for those very new to fasting who have weak metabolisms, pursuing any ways to make fasting easier and safer (avoiding low blood sugar dips) is highly encouraged.

Drinking herbal teas are an amazing addition to fasting because not only do they help heal the digestive system and balance the microbiome through their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, but certain herbs also improve metabolism by regulating fat oxidation and blood glucose levels. Below is a list of the most useful and readily accessible herbs for fasting and gut healing, and afterwards I’ll share the herbal tea blends that I recommend for fasting.

Dandelion for Gut Health and Fasting

Dandelion is one of the most common herbs worldwide and it’s well known for it’s herbal uses. The entire dandelion plant from flower to root is edible, and dandelion (especially dandelion root) is a powerful digestive aid, blood purifier, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, cancer fighter, and metabolism booster.

Dandelion is especially useful for fasting and healing gut problems because it normalizes gut motility (the speed of transit of food through the gut), increases gastrointestinal mucous production thereby restoring protective mucous linings, applies beneficial antimicrobial pressures on pathogens in the microbiome, increases bile production (which improves fat metabolism), and assists in healing gastric ulcers.

In addition to all these amazing benefits the beneficial phytonutrients found in dandelion help purify the blood of pathogens while also reducing inflammation and healing blood vessel epithelial linings. Dandelion also boosts fat metabolism, improves blood cholesterol parameters, and reduces unwanted platelet aggregation which improves energy and oxygen transport throughout the body. Dandelion also aids the autophagy process by inducing unhealthy cells to undergo apoptosis while protecting healthy cells.


Dandelion can be wild harvested or purchased from my favorite supplier of herbs Mountain Rose Herbs.

For use in an herbal tea steep dandelion root for 5-15 minutes with boiling water.


Chamomile for Gut Health and Fasting

Like dandelion chamomile is also a very well-known and widely used herb worldwide. There are multiple types of chamomile and even though their chemical composition differs they all generally have the same health benefits. Chamomile is a digestive aid, calms the nervous system, and improves cardiovascular health.

Chamomile is one of the best herbs for fasting and gut health because it improves gut motility, applies a gentle antimicrobial pressure to the microbiome, and increase gastrointestinal mucous production. Chamomile improves blood cholesterol levels, reduces excessive platelet aggregation, and normalizes blood sugar levels. Chamomile notably is very calming and increases the parasympathetic activity of the nervous system, which aids in relaxing and also improves digestion. Balancing the activity of the autonomic nervous system is foundational to good health. Sometimes during a fast energy levels can dip and become volatile, and chamomile tea helps normalize metabolism and promotes relaxation which smooths out the energy volatility that otherwise might have been experienced.

Chamomile and dandelion are very similar in their herbal uses, and together mixed in a 1:1 ratio they make a fantastic herbal tea which is useful for general health and wellness but also specifically for gut health and fasting.


Chamomile can be wild harvested or purchased from my favorite supplier of herbs Mountain Rose Herbs.

For use in an herbal tea steep chamomile flowers for 5-15 minutes with boiling water.


Green Tea for Gut Health and Fasting

Green tea is in many ways is a perfect fasting aid because it increases fat oxidation and raises energy levels while also having a calming influence through its natural L-theanine content (an amino acid). Green tea polyphenols are also potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatories which help heal the epithelial linings of the gut.

I have already written about green tea fasting so I encourage you to read my article on it which goes in depth.

Many different types of green tea can be purchased from Mountain Rose Herbs and Pique Tea, or in a supplemental form from Nootropics Depot. Learn more about the herbal uses of green tea.


Herbal Tea Blends for Fasting and Gut Health

Combing herbal teas and fasting is the most powerful way to heal the gut and therefore completely revitalize your health and wellness. Healing the gut will aid in fat loss and boost metabolism, improve mental health, reduce inflammatory skin conditions, reduce/eliminate autoimmune issues as well as food intolerances and food allergies, and reduce stress on the immune system.

My favorite herbal tea for use during fasting but also for keeping the gut healthy in general is a 1:1 blend of dandelion root and chamomile flowers. Green tea is also an excellent fasting and gut health aid. While fasting is extremely powerful in healing the gut, fasting cannot be done forever and at some point calories are required to survive. The benefit of fasting with herbal teas is that once the fast is complete the herbal teas can continued to be used in order to extend the gut healing benefits out beyond the fast (and even to the next fast) and to help with the digestion of the healthier food that is now being eating which further aids in the shifting of the microbiome from pathogenic to symbiotic.

There are other herbs which improve digestion like ashwagandha, chaga mushroom, and reishi mushroom and all of these herbs can be used independently or mixed together into a blend for use during fasting. I’d also be remiss to not make a note of the powerful gut health benefits of black pepper and its main active ingredient piperine.

I hope you found the information in this article on how to use herbal teas and fasting together to improve gut health useful, and if you really want to heal your gut then I recommend you continue your gut health and wellness education by purchasing the Holistic Gut Health Guide. Use the code HERBALFASTING10 for 10% off at checkout, and best of luck!

Heal Your Gut Naturally
Holistic Gut Health Guide eBook
Sale Price: $12.95 Original Price: $18.95

If you read all the way here then it’s clear to me that you’re ready to do what it takes to finally restore your digestive system and gut microbiome back to healthy and optimal function.

I wrote the Holistic Gut Health Guide to help you accomplish exactly this! It contains all the information that you need to understand the gastrointestinal system, gut-brain axis, and microbiome in-depth, and the Holistic Gut Health Guide also educates you on the natural methods you can holistically use together like fasting and herbalism to transform your health from the inside out.

I’m so excited to be able to help you along your gut health and overall wellness journey with the Holistic Gut Health Guide! Please contact me with any questions you have and wishing you the best.


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Other Herbs Useful for Gut Health and Fasting


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